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ERF Downgrade: A Nightmare and How to Wake Up from It?

The Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) is a regulatory framework established by the Committee for Private Education (CPE) to ensure that Private Education Institutions (PEIs) in Singapore adhere to basic standards of quality in administration, student welfare, and academic processes.

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EduTrust Certification: What’s new in GD4?

Private Schools in Singapore are governed by the Committee for Private Education (CPE) through two regulatory frameworks: the mandatory ERF and voluntary EduTrust certification. In April 2023, EduTrust Certification Scheme was updated to Guidance Document 4 (GD4) to improve the overall standard of Private Schools in Singapore. Changes include regrouping criterion requirements, stricter EduTrust assessment process, and the introduction of performance outcomes. Private Schools must comply with these changes or risk losing their certification.

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The Secret to Successfully Start Private School in Singapore

If you’re in the Education Business, you’ve probably heard of Singapore. Today, we’ll share with you how easy it is to start and register a private school in Singapore so that you can be part of the thriving education ecosystem that is ranked as one of the best in the world.

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It is time to relieve your burdens

From ERF and EduTrust, to masterful and affordable Quality Assurance, providing valuable insight and offering unprecedented support You have found your solution in EDUVALUE.

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