ERF and EduTrust Compliance solutions that might finally be a game changer

ERF and EduTrust Compliance solutions that might finally be a game changer

Over the years, EduValue has championed the need for independency in the Quality Assurance and Compliance functions. With the EduValue Team currently managing over 40 PEI’s Compliance functions, it could probably start to re-look at how to better strengthen the Industry looking at a Macro-perspective in areas of professional qualifications and also to share our services in terms of Independent audits.
Effective PEI Networking in Education 4.0 – Collaboration for the good of Singapore’s Workforce

Effective PEI Networking in Education 4.0 – Collaboration for the good of Singapore’s Workforce

In business, networking is one of the most effective tools for advancing an organization's professional standing. A strong Private Education Institution business network demonstrates solidarity and a united sector capable of advancing agendas, creating value, and enhancing the overall Private Education Sector's market position. EV Network, supported and funded by EduValue, is a free membership network to fulfil the gap of an independent network with the aim to bring up the standing of the Private Education Institution sector in Singapore.
ERF, ATO, EduTrust Compliance Breaches and Solutions

ERF, ATO, EduTrust Compliance Breaches and Solutions

With the increase in focus on lifelong learning and continuous improvement, the Training and Adult Education (TAE) industry has been growing in recent years. This article explores the factors that contribute to breaches in the regulatory framework and proposed solutions that EduValue is able to implement which helps to negate these risks. It is relevant for organisations within industries such as TAE, Private Education Institution (PEI), Institute of Higher Learning (IHL), Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) and Approved Training Organisations (ATO).
M&A Landscape 2022 – Singapore’s Private Education Sector; Fitting the pieces together

M&A Landscape 2022 – Singapore’s Private Education Sector; Fitting the pieces together

The increased in global and local M&A activities has trickled down to Singapore’s Private Education Industry Sector where many deals are happening. EduValue, together with EV Global, is expected to close M&A deals for 4 Singapore Private Education Institutions (PEIs) in Q1 of 2022 alone. In this article, we would like to share the key reasons for these acquisitions and some of the key elements that make these acquisitions attractive for investors that are interested in the Singapore Private Education Industry Sector and also how we could assist Singapore PEIs in their exit strategies.
Challenges PEIs Face With EduTrust and How to go About It More Efficiently

Challenges PEIs Face With EduTrust and How to go About It More Efficiently

As an EduTrust Consultant, we always hear from PEIs that the EduTrust Certification is tough to maintain. In our latest article, we explore and explain the challenges that shape this perception of the EduTrust process and give PEIs a better idea on how they can go about it more efficiently.

If you face similar issues to those mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact us and we could have a discussion about how best to reduce your risk of a EduTrust downgrade.
Introducing EV Education Group

Introducing EV Education Group

We have been developing and refining the EV Education Group to provide an integrated and comprehensive full suite consulting service that meets the education sector’s needs in the areas of QA, due diligence, compliance, tech, HR, training, etc. Here, we share with you more about the Group’s vision, how the brands work together and our key guiding strategies.